EMDR Series 7 - Phase 2 Techniques: Light Stream

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Moving right along with EMDR Phase 2 techniques! This next technique we will visit is Light Stream. Light Stream is similar to a somatic, or body-based, guided meditation. This technique may help increase feelings of relaxation or reduce tension in the body.

Light Stream starts with channeling one’s focus to a particular sensation in the body or noticing the sensations in the body that goes along with a troubling thought (i.e., “I’m not good enough”). One then is cued to imagine what the shape, color, temperature, texture, and sound the sensation in the body might have. This is also a really great opportunity for some creativity and one can even draw this body sensation.

Next, one will imagine a light being aimed at the sensation in the body. This light is cued as a color associated with healing. I also like to encourage clients to choose a color they enjoy or a color that “feels right” in the moment. Just notice what happens to the sensation as the light is directed as it.

Eventually, Light Stream transitions into a body scan with the previously identified light. One will imagine the light filling up their head and imagine the light working its way down the body, noticing what happens to the different parts of the body.

If you would like to practice Light Stream, I recommend listening to the Notice That podcast episode here (1).

If you are curious to learn more about EMDR or are interested in beginning your EMDR therapy journey, please reach out to me via the Contact Me page on my website. You can also learn more about EMDR as well as additional EMDR therapists in your area by visiting the EMDR International Association’s website here.


  1. Savage, J., Benintendi, M., & Falkenstien, B. (2019, November 17). Episode 15: Light Stream. Notice That. https://emdr-podcast.com/episode-15-calm-experience/

Reminder: these blog posts are meant to be purely educational and/or entertainment tools and do NOT replace psychotherapy and/or other medically necessary treatments.

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